Before packing, check this list of items prohibited from entering a particular country or region.
A state of emergency has been declared due to Tropical Cyclone Alfred, which is expected to hit South East Queensland tonight. To ensure the safety of our team, our Brisbane depot will be closed from 12pm today and will reopen on Monday 10/3.
Terms and Conditions
Baggage Worldwide, Mini Moves, MoveCubes & Student Storage
Insurance Terms and Conditions - Basic and Premier Cover
No insurance
Seven Seas Worldwide strongly recommends that you take some form of insurance cover: accidents happen, and insurance is there for the unforeseen event! Our insurance cover: Basic and Premier, are set up for "unaccompanied baggage or household belongings".
Basic insurance
"Basic" protects you against the loss of some or all the “receptacles” in your job. Basic does not protect you against damage to, or, partial loss of the contents of your receptacles. A receptacle is an item within which you pack your personal and household belongings, so, for a Baggage shipment this would mean suitcase, holdall, bag or box and for a MoveCube® shipment the MoveCube itself is the receptacle.
- The charge to insure a baggage shipment is 3.5% of the repurchase value of the contents of the receptacle.
- The charge to insure a MoveCube shipment is 2% of the repurchase value of the contents of the MoveCube.
The repurchase value should be stated in the currency of the country where your receptacles are collected.
Premier Insurance
Premier protects you against everything offered by Basic: the loss of some or all the receptacles in your job, where a receptacle is an item within which you pack your personal and household effects such as baggage. Premier also protects you against partial loss, theft or damage of the contents of each receptacle, see the Terms and Conditions below.
- The charge for baggage is 5% of the repurchase value of each receptacle's contents.
- The charge for the contents of each MoveCube®, 3% of the repurchase value.
The repurchase value should be stated in the currency of the country where your receptacles are collected.
All insurance cover commences at the later of
- the time and date that the items are either collected by Seven Seas Worldwide (or our nominated subcontractor), or, the time and date you drop them at the Seven Seas Worldwide’s (or our nominated subcontractor’s) depot, or,
- the time and date that the documentation is properly completed, and accepted (provided payment is then received within the 7 days of dispatch of the invoice, otherwise to do so will result in no insurance cover).
All insurance cover ends
- after the process of unloading and passing control of the items from Seven Seas Worldwide (or from our nominated subcontractor) back to you is completed, at either:
- your destination address, or,
- Seven Seas Worldwide’s (or nominated subcontractor’s) depot, for example, in the case of a depot collection by you, or,
- an external storage facility nominated by you.
Seven Seas Worldwide is authorised and regulated by the FCA. Our FCA registration number is 314082.
Extent of Premier cover against all risks of physical loss and/or damage.
Premier insurance covers all risks of loss or damage to the insured goods in accordance with the institute of Marine Cargo Clauses (A), War and Strikes clauses. This insurance is also subject to the exclusions below:
Excluding loss or damage:
• Any and all foodstuffs whether dried, powdered, canned or vacuum packed
• Any and all weapons whether decommissioned, antiques or ceremonial
• Any and all counterfeit items
•To jewellery, watches, medicines, precious stones, precious metals, furs, money, deeds, bonds, securities, stamps of all kinds, manuscripts or other documents, livestock, tobacco, plants, food and drink of any description or perishable goods of any kind.
• Caused by, or arising from, wear and tear, gradual deterioration, moth, insect or vermin, mildew and rust or atmospheric or climatic conditions and extremes of temperature, or the leakage of liquid or powder from any receptacle or container.
• Indirect or consequential loss of any kind.
• To individual items packed by the owner unless there is damage to the outer packaging or an identifiable incident involving the conveying vessel /vehicle.
• Caused by scratching, denting, chipping and breakage of items of a fragile or brittle nature packed by the owner.
• Caused by scratching, denting, chipping and breakage of items of a fragile or brittle nature unless there is damage to the outer packaging or an identifiable incident on the conveying vessel/vehicle.
• As a result of mechanical, electrical or electronic derangement or depreciation resultant upon repairs.
• Or expense caused by delay.
• Or expense caused by confiscation or detention by customs or other officials or authorities.
• Or expense arising from wilful misconduct of the insured.
• To furniture, trunks and suitcases unless packed in an outer container.
• To antiques – unless listed specifically under other items on the proposal form, and subject to our antiques clause.
• To works of art – unless a professional valuation can be provided in the event of a claim
Premier insurance cover, for our "MoveCube®" service, is restricted to where there is an identifiable incident involving the vehicle or vessel conveying the MoveCube® or moving the MoveCube® between these conveyances.
The following clauses shall also apply and shall override anything to the contrary contained in the aforementioned institute clauses;
Average Clause: Premier insurance is subject to the condition of average - that is to say if the property covered by this insurance shall, at the time of the loss, be of greater value than the sum insured herein - the insured shall only be entitled to receive such proportion of the said loss as the sum insured by this policy bears to the total value of the said property, for example, if the sum insured is 50 but the greater value is found to be 100, the proportion of the said loss will be (50 x 50/100) = 25.
If a claim hereunder be in any respect fraudulent, or any fraudulent devises be used by the insured or anyone acting upon his/her behalf to obtain any benefit under this insurance, all benefits thereunder shall be forfeited.
Pairs and Set Clause: In the event of loss and /or damage to any articles or articles forming part or a pair or set, our liability shall be limited to the value of such parts which may be lost or damaged, without any reference to any special value which such article or articles may have as part of such pair or set, not shall it exceed the proportionate part of the insured value of such pair or set, for example, if 2 vases are insured for 100 and 1 is lost or destroyed then the insured value would be (100 x 1/2) = 50.
Antique Clause: Our liability is restricted to the reasonable cost of repair, and no claim is attached hereto for the resulting depreciation thereon.
If a claim hereunder for the repair of an article requires specialist expertise, it is the insured who is responsible to find out the price of repair from local suppliers,
Radioactive Contamination, Chemical, Biological, Biochemical, Electromagnetic Weapons Exclusion Clause: In no case shall this insurance cover loss damage liability or expense, directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by, or arising from:
- Ionising radiations from or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste or from the combustion of nuclear fuel.
- The radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous or contaminating properties of any nuclear installation, reactor or other nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof.
- Any weapon or device employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or fusion or similar reaction or radioactive force or matter.
- The radioactive toxic, explosive or other hazardous or contaminating properties of any radioactive matter.
The exclusion in this sub clause does not extend to radioactive isotopes other than nuclear fuel when such isotopes are being prepared, carried, stored or used for commercial, agricultural, medical, scientific or other similar peaceful purposes. This exclusion is specific to this sub clause only.
- Any chemical, biological, biochemical or electromagnetic weapon.
The insurer may, at any time after loss or damage, take and keep possession of the insured property and deal with the salvage, and if the insured or anyone acting on his/her behalf shall obstruct or prevent insurers from doing so, all benefit under this insurance shall be forfeited. No property may be abandoned to the insurance company.
Policy Excess
This policy is subject to an excess, whereby you, the assured, are liable for the first £50.00 (fifty pounds, UK Sterling) or the equivalent in local currency, of each and every claim made.
The insurance is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.
If you are an individual/sole trader (including a partnership in England and Wales) buying a policy which provides cover for you in both private and business capacity, you have a statutory right to cancel your policy during a period of 14 days from the day of purchase of the contract. If you wish to do so and the insurance cover has not yet commenced, you will be entitled to a full refund of the premium paid. Please be aware that once we commence handling and loading at the collection address, cover cannot be cancelled without incurring a charge.
Our goal is to give excellent service to all our customers. However, we recognise that things can, on occasion, go wrong. In the event that our insurance service does not meet with your expectations, please contact us via email or telephone or in writing. We will endeavour to acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days. We shall explain how we will handle your complaint and keep you informed of your progress. Please address your complaint to:
Customer Service Manager
Seven Seas Worldwide Group Limited
Hythe Road
Kent TN25 6SP
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 01303 814 096
If you are dissatisfied with our final decision, you can refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).
Note that the FOS will only consider your complaint if you have given us the opportunity to resolve it and you are a private policyholder, a business with a group annual turnover of less than £1million, a charity with an annual income of less than £1million or a trustee of a trust with a net asset value of less than £1million. If, however, we do not resolve your complaint within 40 working days, the FOS will accept a direct referral.
Whilst we are bound by the decision of the FOS, you are not. Following the complaints procedure does not affect your statutory right to take legal action.
Claims Procedure
In the unfortunate event that you need to make a claim, immediate notification should be given to Seven Seas Worldwide Limited at the address shown on the "Contact Us" page, wherever your final delivery is made.
- All claims must be made within 30 days of the final delivery.
- Damaged items not being repaired must be retained for optional collection by the Company.
- Evidence of damage to outer packaging must be provided if applicable.
- Proof of purchase or replacement value will be required.
Whether you telephone, write, telefax or email your claim, please ensure that you provide the following information;
- Your full name and address for correspondence
- Your Seven Seas Worldwide Job Reference
- Full details of your claim.
Claims documentation will be sent out to you straight away. In the meantime, please try to obtain estimates where possible for necessary repairs or replacements.